Rudder construction

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Rudder construction

I'm am attempting to re-core my 7.6 rudder.   Upper section is wet.
Does anyone know if the lower section is reinforced.
I have it slip in have down to the waterline and it seems like the leading edge my be reinforced.

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Re: Rudder construction

Hi Levi,

While I don't know how the rudder is made I'd be interested in hearing about how your repair goes. Mine is in need of repair as well so it would be good to know what I'm dealing with.

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Re: Rudder construction

In reply to this post by bimmer
 I got the rudder split completely in 1/2....was a lot of is cored with some sort of reinforced hardened dough not foam and has 2 steel rods running down the middle for strength.
Took about 5 hrs to split it and 3 hrs to remove the core.
I am just sourcing supplies now for reassembly.
Going to use an expanding foam core.<nabble_img src="2<nabble_img src="20200514_095119.jpg" borde<nabble_img src="20200514_115106.jpg" border="0"/>r="0"/>0200423_145747.jpg" border="0"/>