transom thru hull leak

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transom thru hull leak

Glenn Thomson
I found the leak was coming from one the 2 transom thru-hull drains. I don't know about other 7.6, but surrounding these drains, at the very bottom of the transom were huge blobs of what resembled  "bondo".  It was meant to join the gap between the stern hull and the inner deck shell....something like that, not sure how to explain it.  I removed the leaky one first and found a crack in the bondo (the leak), I pressed on it and large chunk fell away.  That was re-epoxied and replaced with a Sea Choice 1 1/2" plastic thru hull.

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Re: transom thru hull leak

I've got  similar "mystery leak" from somewhere back there.  I'll have to check there on my boat as well.
