Window fixing bolts

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Window fixing bolts

I must replace all my window fixing bolts on our Kelt 39, preferably with stainless steel, as some of them are corroding and the heads are popping off. Does anyone know where I can obtain replacements as I have tried for over a year to trace a supplier, all the British marine fixing companies seem to make smaller diameter fixings which are of no use as they will pull into and crack the perspex.  If anyone out there has had this problem and found an answer please would you contact me as soon as possible at Many thanks.
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Re: Window fixing bolts

Had the same problem on our Kelt 39 (Google "Yacht ADAT").   The Kelt window bolt is poorly designed.   It has a very sharp corner under the head creating a very high stress point and natural expansion of the different materials (GRP and Acrylic) increases the strain popping the head off.   I now use Stainless steel.   Ordinary EN 316 M4 Pan head screws from your local supplier and Interscrews (A4 St Stl, M4 * 10 lg)  available from Eagle Boat Windows.   Most important though are large nylon washers fitted in the mastic between the Window and Hull.  For more info contact me via email (   Regards Terry