Starboard crib boards

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Starboard crib boards

I finally finished and installed my new starboard crib boards over the weekend and am pretty excited about how well they turned out. They aren't perfect but are way nicer than the disintegrating painted plywood boards that came with the boat. The exterior handle is a 316SS grab handle that I bought somewhere, but the locking mechanism, vent, and interior handle were salvaged from the old boards. The receiver side of the deadbolt was basically "freehand" with a trim router. I haven't used any sealant anywhere yet, and hopefully won't, but the top of edge the vent will probably need a bead. Pics here
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Re: Starboard crib boards

Glenn Thomson
Nice cleaned it up real well.....I am about to do the same thing but with tinted acrylic.  Where do you live?
Langley BC
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Re: Starboard crib boards

Thanks! I've seen tinted acrylic done before, but what's the purpose? Is it so you can see out while you're in the cabin with the boards up? Maybe I'll add a window to the lower board one day if so.

I live in Maryland, US. I see you're from Langley, BC. I've never been to mainland Canada, but I've been up and down Vancouver Island a couple of times from Victoria to Nanaimo, as well as out on the strait at the acoustic test range. It's honestly one of my favorite places in the world so far and really look forward to visiting again one day.
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Re: Starboard crib boards

Glenn Thomson
Ahh.  Winchelsea Range (WG).  were you on Subs?
Acrylic because,  I felt that we wanted more light into cabin.
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Re: Starboard crib boards

Nah, surface boats. I was a contractor for a company that makes towed sonar systems. Good times.
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Re: Starboard crib boards

Mark Williamson
In reply to this post by ClownTrigger11
Nice job.  No need to re-varnish every few years!

BTW.  for a short time I was involved in deep water listening cable burial via ROV years and years ago.  The test run didn't go so well and we left an expensive ROV on the bottom somewhere in the Bahamas.