New outboard engine 2020 for Kelt 760

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New outboard engine 2020 for Kelt 760

Faced with the need to replace the motor on the Kelt 760. In 2020, we have a completely different line of Yamaha engines and, accordingly, other sizes.
Previous engine was two-stroke at 8 hp.
Now i think to change it to four-stroke Yamaha ft8g, but I have doubts about the possibility of its dimensions. One of the amenities of this engine is the ability to shift gears directly on the throttle grip, so no longer have to search it under the shelf.
Please share your experience.
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Re: New outboard engine 2020 for Kelt 760

Glenn Thomson
7.6 Kelt......I have a 2018 Yamaha F 9.9 LMBH. 20" shaft, has an 8 1/2" - 6 1/2" pitch -  prop fits through the well.  It weighs about 36 kilograms, and can be stowed in port side hold. There is enough clearance around the engine cowling and the transom. Hope this helps.