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New motor for Kelt 7.6

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New motor for Kelt 7.6

My old Honda 15 motor has completely died and I'm going to replace it with a Yamaha 9.9 long shaft.  Any suggestions on prop size  - not high-thrust?

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Re: New motor for Kelt 7.6

Glenn Thomson
You have a choice of 8 1/2" x 6,7 or 8 pitch.    The yamaha came stock with an 8 pitch.  I have a 2017 yamaha 9.9, with a 7 on my 7.6.  The high thrust comes with an 11" which doesn't fit through the well hole.  The 8 1/2" can be wiggled through.  I installed a tach at the end of the season, but didn't take the time to determine what pitch prop to use yet.
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Re: New motor for Kelt 7.6

Thanks Glenn,

I've ordered the motor - apparently there are very few new ones around and the dealer will only get 2 delivered in April, one of which is mine.  I'll try the stock prop as buying a new prop is relatively inexpensive if I don't like it.
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Re: New motor for Kelt 7.6

In reply to this post by ayar
I bought a used 2011 Yamaha 9.9 (only 20 hours on it) long-shaft, high thrust version with the big prop.  I had to remove the power trim because the pump motor stuck out on the side and prevented the motor from seating all the way down in the well.  There was no need for the power trim anyway for obvious reasons.  I replaced the hydraulic ram with a bottle screw to lock it down so it wouldn't try to kick up in reverse.  I plan to leave the motor in the well all season so applied anti-fowling paint generously to the lower unit.  I'm splashing the boat this coming week, so we'll see how it works out.  This new motor replaces a 1983 Honda 9.9 which was performing unreliably last season.