Kelt 8.5m Keel Plate

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Kelt 8.5m Keel Plate

Bruce Fatheree
I have a 1984 8.5-meter Kelt and was wondering if anyone has had experience with water leaking in around the (swing) keel plate assembly. I'm not sure if it is leaking but I have small leaks of undetermined origins and I'm thinking the keel plate may have worked loose a little bit. Before I go to the expense of having it hauled and worked over I was wondering if anyone had similar experiences. Thanks.
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Re: Kelt 8.5m Keel Plate

Sailing Chris
Yes I have had that problem with my Kelt &.6 but it will not be the keel plate, it will be the box in the cabin that houses the rope that lifts and lowers the keel. On mine it had rusted from the inside out, I have patched it for now but will be having a new housing made next winter.