I am considering purchasing a Kelt 7.6. I took up the small foremost section of the cabin sole ahead of the table and found that the foremost keel bolt is covered by fibreglass cloth and resin. I am concerned that this is some previous owner's 'quick fix' for a leaking keel bolt, and that the repair could be very costly. A marine surveyor has told me that some builders do fibreglass over the keelbolts. Can any owner of a Kelt 7.6 tell me whether their keel bolts are fibreglassed over? Thanks.
Here's a photo of my keel bolts (before i replaced the centerboard cable tube). They are heavily coated in something. Don't know if this was the previous owner or factory.
Hi, I just had my Kelt hauled out to paint the bottom and have it surveyed. Re-sealed the connection between the keel and the boat, and when they lifted it to put it back in the water, the seal was stretched and the yard owner said my keel bolts were (are) loose. When we pulled up the floor, the bolts are fibreglassed over. The yard owner said it wasn't a serious issue that the bolts are slightly loose, but that it would eventually need to be fixed. Not sure how to go about fixing it at this point and not sure if the fiberglass was original or a repair? ...