Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

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Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

Freddy rizk
I would like to know about the 2 sides of the hull of kelt 7. 6  are they made in a sandwich or just full fiberglass thanks
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Re: Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

Hi Freddy,

Having just put a few holes in my Kelt I can tell you that it's a sandwich construction at the base of the mast.  I'm not sure if the whole boat is built this way.

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Re: Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

Mark Williamson
In reply to this post by Freddy rizk
According to the brochure:  "The hull is hand laid up mat and roving fiberglass which provides a solid hull capped with a bonded and bolted Klege-Cell sandwich deck.  Maximum hull thickness averages 7/8" in the keel area."

No balsa core in the deck so no rot and soft spots.
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Re: Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

I know this is a bit of an old post but I thought I'd share what I've actually seen on my boat in terms of deck core construction.  At the mast I installed a VHF cable and can confirm I drilled threw wood.  I also recently installed new deck organizers and clutches and again drill through wood. I'm pretty sure it was balsa.

On a related note, does anyone know how thick the core is where the head sail traveller is?
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Re: Hull construction is it made full fiberglass or sandwich ??

In doing a bit more research I found this post on an old forum by an original owner who says the deck is foam but the deck fittings (i.e. mast area, clutches, etc) are 9/16 inch mahogany plywood backing plates.,1029,page=1