Galley organizer

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Galley organizer

Mark Williamson
I've been thinking of doing this for years and finally decided to go ahead and make it.

My Kelt came with a "bar" next to the galley - basically a piece of plywood with various holes in it for bottles of liquor. Not real useful  for  me. So I took a piece of thin plywood and cut various holes in it. Took about an hour.  Results below.

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Re: Galley organizer

Nice! I have the same "bar" piece of wood sitting at home in my garage. Yours is much more practical!

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Re: Galley organizer

Glenn Thomson
In reply to this post by Mark Williamson
Thats a good idea Mark, on my list to do.
The pics are a bit over sized to see whole view at once.
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Re: Galley organizer

Mark Williamson
In reply to this post by Mark Williamson
Thanks.  Wow, those photos were horrendously large!  On my tablet they looked fine but not on the PC.  I've selected the option to shrink them to "medium" size.