I found a great area on the US Sailing website for calculating an amazing array of performance areas (as well as some nav calculators) - Over 14 calculators with some additional ones as you drill deeper. It's pretty interesting to plug in our various Kelt 7.60 specs and see what comes up for areas like speed, stability angle ("angle of vanishing stability", or the angle a boat can heel and still right itself), capsize ratio, motion comfort, performance level in light winds, etc, etc.) All in all, our little puppy fairs quite well and excellent in some categories. I've listed below, 1) the US Sailing home page, 2) the design & characteristics page, and the 3) 1st calculator page (for hull speed with links to each of the other 14 calculator areas. Have fun! - David Wysocki (Frenchman's Bay, Lake Ontario, Canada)
http://home.ussailing.org/ (Home page)
http://www.sailingusa.info/design_winds.htm (Lot's of great info on sailboat design/performance)
http://www.sailingusa.info/cal__hull_speed.htm (The actual calculator page with links to all 14 calculators)