Cracks around keel bolts

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Cracks around keel bolts

Hey Everyone,

I'm looking at purchasing a Kelt 7.6 (1984).  Overall the boat is in reasonably good shape, but noticed cracks in the fiberglass around the keel bolts, as well as were hull and liner(?) connect.  Video below.  Was wondering if anyone has seen anything like this?  Is it serious or pretty standard for a boat this age?

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Re: Cracks around keel bolts

Mark Williamson
Looks like cracks in the paint to me.  The way to tell would be to sand off the paint and check the fiberglass below it.  The hull is very thick and strong in that area and I'd be surprised if the fiberglass was actually cracked.

The metal thing in the first video appears to be the well for the swing centerboard cable.  I'm not familiar with the solid keel Kelts so I suppose this may be a similar component that only supports the table.  If it's a swing centerboard then it's a critical item because it's below the water line and full of water.  If it corrodes and leaks or fails then the boat could sink.  The corrosion I can see doesn't seem too bad but it should be closely inspected.

One question would be:  why is there water in the bilge and is it from rain or from whatever water this boat is sitting in?  I'd be inclined to dry it and check to see if it refills.  Typically bilges will get a little wet from leaky propeller shaft seals.  If this doesn't have an inboard motor and it's coming in from outside the hull then that would be concerning.

That's my amateur opinion.  I'd highly recommend "Inspecting the Aging Sailboat" by Don Casey.  Short book but full of great information.  Best of luck.

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Re: Cracks around keel bolts

Hey Mark,

Thanks for replying! It is helpful.

This is the solid keel version, with an outboard, built in Ontario Canada (1984).

The water in the bilge is concerning.  We have seen the boat 3 times, and it doesn't appear to be getting worse, and the current owner didn't pump it (as far as we know).  There are some leaks around the front cabin hatch (vent is broken), one of the fittings, and we think a window, that could explain it.   It could also be something more serious.  It's sitting in fresh water, so it hard to tell if it's rain or lake water.  

Also according to members of the club, the boat has been sitting at the dock (fresh water) for most of the season.    

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Re: Cracks around keel bolts

Mark Williamson
Most likely the water in the bilge is just rainwater.  You could make an offer contingent upon sponging it out and checking over a short period of time.

It does appear that someone has tightened the keel bolts at some point and possibly replaced them.  I believe that normally they would be painted and/or covered in epoxy.  Not that this is a bad thing.  Possibly a previous owner making sure they were properly torqued.

The solid keel is a plus.  Fewer things to worry about.

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Re: Cracks around keel bolts

Yes, after looking at other posts on this forum, they are clearly different.  

Good advise on the conditional offer.   That makes sense!